Surrogacy - Revenue, Health or Pain Management

>> Monday, October 29, 2007

At some steady pace the idea of having a surrogate mother to bear one's child is creeping into the general public carried by acclaimed personalities. For many it has become an income channel that pays well. Imagine the hubby saying "Go honey bring in some more bucks and remember, you get a few months off from work again.. woiiee".
Yes there are those who face medical concerns where the doctor advises against bearing their own child or they face the inability to have a child naturally and so they open the revenue channel for some.
But aside from the broad health factor there is the variation where a healthy couple will opt for surrogacy due to fear of child bearing.
The relief from the exercise of child birth, yes, that 9 month experience where your body changes and at the end of a few hours of travailing then pop comes the cute weasel and weeks of body recuperating.

I would think this idea of relieving pain would sell on quickly but I've heard in many close corners "It's just the experience of having your own child is magical". Yes, they try & sell the argument this is one pain you must enjoy for yourself.

Pain enjoyment - a very challenging oxymoron for me. Well at the moment I'm not faced with this decision but whether you are doing this for revenue, health or pain management, one thing I'm certain of, there is some emotional issues up in here!

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