Honourable Usain Bolt

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ok so the Government tentatively plans to honours Usain Bolt with

  • Ambassador at Large and accorded with Full Diplomat Status
  • Order of Jamaica
  • Rename Highway 2000 to Usain Bolt Highway
Ok they say don't scatter roses while I am gone but also mind how yuh pick rose thorns.

Examining them one by one, OK, so "Ambassador at Large", he's already a public showcase for Jamaica and let's just make it official, he can flash his passport and walk through Immigration. Let's make it legit!

OJ Honorable - yikes. Ok so we won't wait till he goes through another Olympics Drugs free, or has gain some more maturity and experience on the world circuit as he builds his professional repertoire? We don't mind the precedence we are setting for other athletes looking on or the effects it may have on those retired mmmmmh. Do you think we felt pressured the Queen will Knight him before we show appreciation of this nature. Is there some other award we could bestow upon St Leo to be safe???

Rename the oh so famous highway 2000, one of PJ Patterson's legacy with the oh so unfortunate Toll increases which I hope the hikes in toll won't be a reflection of Usain Speed if it occurs. What about the Trelawny Stadium? An erected Statue at a round about or monumental place? What about part the newly paved North Coast stretch being worked on like the Mobay to Trelawny stretch?

Ok don't get me wrong the Gentleman deserves alot of praise for his achievements and has inspired many and I definitely gonna get Micah on tracks soon, but are we stopping to think just for a sec here.

Ok so say I what say you?


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