Wheel and come again

>> Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I declared on November 11, I am making my come back but it's been a month since I posted and feel a little like Britney a few months ago and more morph into O.J. now.

I came in from work yesterday evening, kicked off my shoes as I turned to CNN ,voila!, I saw George Bush "nuh linga do di sweep" navigating away from a shoe thrown by an Iraqi journalist. Did you see how they whisked the "sole" supporter of Geroge B in the room? I am now wondering if they will ban shoes from news conferences, next thing no voice recorders because that's the next deadly object following the mouth at the podium.

Anyways I need Mr Bush on my Dandi Shandi Team when next we play.

But to get back to where I started in this article, I know "many" (delusional practice) are asking "What's happening?". To put it simple, I'm having Trouble Involving Myself Efficiently. When I get it sorted out then we'll be on a roll again so I apologize and I'm gonna wheel and come again.


Keri January 3, 2009 at 11:29 AM  

Me too! Let's do this thing!

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