Tis da season to be Jolly

>> Friday, December 26, 2008

I spent the Christmas Holidays in New York City (Manhattan) getting a first-hand experience of what it feels like way this north during the festive season.
Well you see those movies with the kids running up and down in the snow, and throwing snow balls at each other and they make it look so easy and all is jolly, well that's just the movies.

I can't imagine anyone running up and down in this ice box for too long. Well the lighting magic of New York never cease to amaze me and the pace of this city never slows down. That lives up to its name. This Holiday trip was about Family and getting some well overdue rest.
The family time was great and I enjoyed just sleeping, eating, movie watching and repeating the cycle. Our cozy apartment was perfect and the laid back attitude was kill for.

As I continue to enjoy this trance I am in, Big up to Obama and All the best for the Holidays to everyone. Keep the Family close and work for a Prosperous New Year.


Keri January 3, 2009 at 11:27 AM  

Angel, it was great having you come visit! See you again soon. Happy New year!

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