Kidnap Resort

>> Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh man, I am tired of being an educated professional going to my 24/7 job paying taxes, thinking about tomorrows meals, where the next dollar is gonna come from. I am just fed up.

Sometimes I think "kidnappees" are better off than me. Yeah, when I look at the kidnappee, They are being fed by their kidnappers, they don't have to pay tax, they get three meals a day, shower twice a day, TV interviews like a celebrity.

Now that's the life! Each day someone doesn't find the ransom I bet they are like "Yes!". Oh man, I'll go waking on the streets in Basra if i could, "Take me, Take me! I want to be taken". I'll get my American citizenship to raise the stakes.

All this time I have been talking about wanting to get get away from the world to a nice hideout and it's right there available. Free of cost, excursions from the trunk of the car, adventure beyond words description.

Oh man if I got kidnapped it would be a party up in this house.


Keri May 10, 2008 at 7:03 AM  

Careful what you wish for, nutso!

QueenBea's sushi chronicles May 25, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

so this is what you were talking about

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