A lifelong solid relationship

>> Tuesday, October 23, 2007

There is so much talk about relationships and building partnerships today. The natural instinct for bonding and the desire to find security is fueled by the media and conversation of our peers. Now, many are bustled in the search for a stable and fulfilling union and declare looking for the right partner seems at times an illusive task.

In this search there is also a spiritual side in which I would like to recommend a suitable helper for a life long journey. Let's look at the characteristics of the person, the experience of others and the impression left on our lives.

For a life long solid relationship that will bring total fulfillment (completion), I recommend Jehovah.

1. He's a giver of good advice and very supportive (Psalms 73:24)
2. He's beautiful and well admired (Psalms 27:4)
3. He's committed & faithful, worthy of trust (Heb 10:3)
4. He stands for good principles and has great values (Heb 5:12)
5. He's royalty (1 Pet 2:9)
6. He's financially stable. Has the whole world in his hands (Job 36: 26-31)
7. He's strong (Psalms 24:8)
8. He is Love (1 John 4:16)

While I recommend him, please note, in every relationship there is the compatibility factor.
Build yourself a clean heart, having the same mind (focus/liking) for the things he desires and ensure you seek him quickly while he may be found (Isaiah 55: 6-7)


Anonymous October 27, 2007 at 2:53 PM  

Good one Angel..


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